
You will earn two letter grades over the course of the term—one for your responses and comments, and one for your E110 course materials. Your final grade for the course will be the average of these two grades.

Responses and Comments

I will ask you to post 12 responses and comments to this site. I will check to make sure that these writing are thoughtful, edited, and on time. I will then use this scale to determine your letter grade.

12 responses and comments A
11 B
10 C
9 or less Inc

This will count for one-half of your final grade.

E110 Course Materials

There will be five separate stages in the preparation of your E110 course materials: Two early drafts, two workshops, and a final draft. I’ll expect you to complete this work thoughtfully, professionally, and on time. I will then use this scale to determine your letter grade.

5 stages completed A
4 B
3 C
2 or less Inc

NB: This scale assumes that you submit a final version of your E110 materials. Otherwise I cannot certify you to teach the course next year. This will count for the other half of your semester grade.